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Natural Immunity vs. mRNA

 Last update: 7:19 am 29/11/2021:  This page will document the case for natural immunity vs. artificial mRNA serum Articles from: Study of the naturally immune had a 0.00369% chance of reinfection and zero hospitalisations with no indication of waning protection Article  Link Date: 24/11/2021 Population location: Qatar Worldometer Study Group: 353,326 non-vaccinated persons who contracted SARS-CoV-2 virus and recovered naturally Number re-infected = 1,304 Median reinfection period: 277 days Statistics: 0.00369 % chance of reinfection after achieving natural immunity Hospitalisation and fatalities on reinfection: 0 (nil) Conclusion: Natural immunity is effective Laith J. Abu-Raddad, Ph.D. Hiam Chemaitelly, M.Sc. Weill Cornell Medicine–Qatar, Doha, Qatar Roberto Bertollini, M.D., M.P.H. Ministry of Public Health, Doha, Qatar for the National Study Group for COVID-19 Epidemiology

The basis for the attack on the people who are waiting for the long term safety check of the mRNA trials

 I am preparing a case against the NZ Government regarding the vaccine passports, based on: The intention of the passports is described as a method to protect the Vaccinated from infection from the Unvaccinated But the fact is that the vaccinated are still infectious and can transmit the virus.  Under the vaccination passport plan, Infected Vaccinated can and will infect the Vaccinated. Gatherings of the vaccinated are going to create mass infections. This will result in the vaccinated infecting the vulnerable. Concluding to the policy is actually:  Going to cause more infections Unfairly treat the naturally immune (know as the unvaccinated) BREAKING NEWS!!! A mutated version of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has now been identified Considered to have possibly evolved from an immune-compromised person who may have incubated the original virus to a highly mutated strain

Is the actual problem the mRNA injection?

 As at 26/11/2021, India has a 30.3% vaccination rate BUT they appear to have recovered.  They are still recognising cases but there appears to be no runaway of new cases or deaths. The curve appears to have flattened for them. See The same appears to apply to Japan, Brazil, and many more countries that, according to the information on the worldometer website, have flattened the curve. Brazil has a 42.7% vaccination rate but according to statistics they appear to have it under control. See With low vaccination rates, except for Japan which has a  high vaccination rate at 70% , these countries appear to be eliminating the virus by treating the cases as they appear, with cheap drugs like ivermectin. In New Zealand, the MOH recommends that if you suspect you have Covid-19: Get vaccinated Isolate at home No apparent recommendation of drugs is obvious. Perhaps your doctor may

A review of the facts

In late 2019, before the world knows about SARS-CoV-2; my household contracts Covid-19 and experiences 'fever' symptoms. We stay in bed, drink soup, recover in 14 days and fully recover within a month. My household should now have T- cell immunity and have proven recovery capabilities. Covid-19 becomes a 'Pandemic' when it is recognised by the World Health Organisation and the NZ Govt.. The World Health Organisation states that the majority of people will experience cold-like symptoms and recover. The vulnerable are identified and this group will have major problems. My household is not part of this group. Worldwide, people are dying because they cannot fight off the virus. This is an immunity problem. The disease appears to attack the immune-compromised. Immunity comes from your Gut Biome My household eats very healthily and we rarely get sick. Many people do not eat healthily and additional factors affecting immunity are:- Sugar consumption Lack of vitamin D Processe

As a reward for getting the vaccine, I will make the unvaccinated lives hell

Whilst thinking about the interview our prime minister made recently, I realised what she actually said... With no factual evidence, she is saying that if you are not going to support vaccination, she will mandate that your social and work life is over. Have I got it wrong? Take a look and decide for yourself in the previous post. previous post

Ivermectin Miracle in Japan

Ivermectin is a total cure! Ref 1: However there are other factors to consider. Watch  Australia shifting from Mandates? Free Solutions But the Japanese results, how amazing. This could mark the beginning of the end of the virus :)

Hypothesis 1: Why is there resistance to natural immunity?

Unfortunately, this interview indicates a total lack of understanding of the unvaccinated point of view, as well as a lack of understanding of important research that shows both are as infectious. It appears that the human rights violations are driven by 'feel good' reasoning only and not fact. Leaders need to have balance and recognise all sectors of the community including the minorities. This reasoning is not factual. Just so we are clear, a hypothesis is ' an idea or theory that is not proven but that leads to further discussion or study' . What follows is a hypothesis. Just consider it and let's see what unfolds in time. After 2 years of research and many conversations with many, many experts and laypeople, I am still no closer to understanding why the following ten points are true and I want to put an idea together based on some factors. It is a theory only and will evolve, so expect changes to this. The government controls the rhetoric on Covid-19 and facts f

Scared, concerned, worried? Ph free 1737 so I did...

"I don't know how I fit into society any more? I am losing my job, family, friends, income, credibility, profession..." I said to the psychologist on the MOH mental health line. He replied "Actions have consequences. If you want to stay unvaxxed you have to accept the consequences",  a very unusual approach to mental health, I thought. Blaming the person who did nothing wrong has become the new therapy. We, the un-mRNA injected, are now the 'cause' of Covid-19 and it has become personal. Those of us who are unvaxxed are being made to pay a significant social price for something we didn't do. That appears to be the official verdict and this mental health help line was just another way of encouraging people to accept the rhetoric and get jabbed. I didn't feel any better after our talk. What is it that drives people crazy? Is it fear? Perhaps it's the uncertainty of things. When things don't seem right to us, we ask questions and what we are

The Problem is both the vaxxed and unvaxxed and here is why

The evidence from around the world shows that the vaccinated are less likely to have a serious illness from Covid-19 whilst the vaccine is effective. You are still able to contract and spread the disease, so in this context, there is no actual difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed according to many studies. But there is also evidence to support that some people without vaccination, are capable of managing Covid-19 with little to no trouble. This results in four classifications of people: Unvaxxed and immune effective Unvaxxed and immune-compromised Vaxxed and immune-effective Vaxxed and immune-compromised FACT: Without question, if you are in the group 'Unvaxxed and immune compromised', you should get the mRNA injection, as statistically it is your best strategy for survival and protecting everyone else. This is an absolute solid fact and no amount of protest or analysis will change this. These classifications give rise to two new classifications of 'Immune Eff

15 November 2021

The 'no jab, no job' mandate comes into force today. I guess this is just the beginning of a series of simplistic ideas to resolve Covid-19. I say simplistic because although you may think it fixes one problem, mandates causes many many more problems than they try to solve. It appears you require a double blind study to prove that the mRNA technology does not perform long term where as an mRNA theory only requires someone to say it is true. Example : 'The vaccines are safe', said by someone who reviews short term results but who does not know the long term effects. New studies are showing concerning issues: However, these are the sort of things that will be understood more when the standard 'long term effects' are researched (which they have not yet). Meanwhile, the world is splitting into 3 groups of people: Non-sympathetic mRNA injected Sympathetic mRNA injected Those who are not mRNA injected I was talking with a very long term va

How many at Wellington Freedom March? 9/11/2021 Aotearoa - New Zealand

The film below is about 20 minutes long. Voices for Freedom My body, my choice Unjabbed NZ Community 1947 Nuremberg Code 1947 - that we all used to be protected by until 'The Bill of Rights' changed it to what we have now, 'the government can decide' please let me know who else was there.

Wellington - 9 November 2021

There were thousands of people on today's march. It is 6:00 am and I have been up since 4:00 am. There is a march on Parliament today. I feel I am missing something. It is very confusing to live in a country where human rights have been removed. You don't know who is a friend or foe. Yesterday a judge upheld the decision of: No jab, no job and I have posted some court rulings below. Covid has caused much confusion. The one thing I have noticed on this trip is the amount of sugar we are encouraged to eat. Sugar is everywhere The size of people is increasing A lack of community spirit (except on the march :)) After so much research my findings about covid immunity issues points to the specific sugar called Fructose. OK I am still at the protest so best get this posted. What is an experiment? an operation or procedure carried out under controlled conditions in order to discover an unknown effect or law, to test or establish a h