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Are the Symptoms of Long Covid Being Created By Your Smart Meter?

Part 1: 21/09/2024

For the last twelve months, I have been working from my spare bedroom. I have a lot of programming to do and need to focus, so this was my best work option. I set up a computer in the room and now I sleep and work in the same room.

Two months ago, I was working with a client who was sick for no apparent reason. They were tired, couldn't sleep, had digestive problems, sore eyes, and brain fog. I had been working with this client for over a year and this was a new condition in his life, but on that day, I noticed something different on his desk. It was a new WI-FI booster. I am a professional IT installer with over 30 years experience. I know there are problems with having an RF Device so close to you. It is against health and safety research and standards to have such a device so close. 

After 2 hours, we concluded our business and I left. When I got into my vehicle, I felt sick. I ignored it and carried on home. This sickness did not go away though. I thought I may have caught Covid, so I monitored my symptoms. Upset stomach, brain fog, and tiredness. The next day was worse and for the next two weeks, I was confined to my bed. On the third week, I was no better. I didn't test positive for Covid but something was truly affecting my ability to work. I had maintained a diary during the year and was really dedicated to staying healthy, eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep. Nothing in my habits had changed, so it was a concern to feel so sick.

Into my fourth week of not feeling well and I was not getting any better.
I thought about my visit to my client, and the fact that I now had their illness, and wondered if my symptoms aligned with exposure to what is known as Radio Frequency Electro Magnetic Fields (RF-EMF's), invisible energy waves given off by electrical devices. My symptoms did align with toxic RF exposure but that didn't make sense. I had not been to to my client's office since getting sick and my house is deemed safe of EMF's because I have measured it often for health and safety training. So I should have at least recovered if my exposure to EMF's was the issue. I decided to perform my standard safety test of the house using an EMF meter.

I went to my tool box in the garage, found my EMF meter. Replaced the battery as I hadn't used the device for a while, and as soon as I turned it on, it showed a reading. This was most unusual. I was far away from our router and my phone was charging in my bedroom. As I walked through the house, the meter was constantly reading EMF. This was most unusual as this is a test I have done hundreds of times and never before received such readings.

I went into my room and the display reading was more intense. If I touched the wall with the meter, the signal was constant. If I touched the bed, a non-conductive object, I got a consistent reading of EMF. How could this be? Other than my computer and phone, there were no other EMF devices in my room and I had switched both of these devices off.

I walked out of my ranch slider door that lead to the garden, and walked around the building. Against my bedroom wall was the power meter. I opened the lid and inside the box, there was a new Smart Meter. I had not noticed this before. Instead of having spinning dials it had a bright led display. On the other side of this meter, it sat less than 1 meter away from my bed.

What would be my exposure level be?
According to Electric Power Engineering Centre, College of Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, my exposure has been very high.

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My exposure to 5G RF EMF radiation was now confirmed. I contacted my electrical supplier and asked when the meter was activated. They replied, '20 June 2024'. It coincided with my sickness.

This is how the private 5G Industrial and Scientific Wide Are Network works. Every Smart Meter adds connectivity to the grid.

Is there a safety standard?

The New Zealand Standard is NZS2772:Part 1: 1999.

So how did my energy supplier let me know and mitigate the health risks to me and my family, when it is 100% known that exposure to RF EMF is detrimental to human health and is a progressive disease that takes time to manifest?

What are the symptoms of Long Covid?

According to the Centre for Disease Control. there are three general symptoms of long covid:

Tiredness, Brain Fog, Fever


What are the symptoms for RF Radiation that is created by a radiation class device such as a smart meter?

headache, tremor, dizziness, loss of memory, loss of concentration and sleep disturbance due to RF-EMF have also been reported by several epidemiological studies (Kolodynski and Kolodynska, 1996; Santini et al., 2002; Hutter et al., 2006; Abdel-Rassoul et al., 2007). The exposure levels of RF-EMF, commonly encountered in public environments have been found to be at nondetrimental levels to humans (Repacholi et al., 2012); however with respect to the amount of exposure to RF-EMFs on the cranial nervous systems, a significant amount of research has focused on rodent behavioral disorders, particularly learning and memory deficits, after RF-EMF exposure under various conditions.

Long Covid and RF Radiation are very similar in their medical symptoms presentation.

I have asked for the meter to be removed immediately.
I am also investigating the co-incidence of people's illness with the introduction of their Smart Meter.

The Smart Meter uses its own industrial and scientific network to send your usage information to the electricity supplier. This signal is constant, spread over 100 different bands so is difficult to trace and monitor, and is known as a mesh WIFI system that is used to eliminate dead zones of coverage. To clarify, the Smart Meter extends a constant EMF signal throughout your house and neighborhood.

In other words, you are constantly exposed to the EMF output of the Smart Meter, 24/7.

Lets see where this goes.
