This is a daily progress log.
No answer from any government department yet on the seven questions below.
I have researched more and found the answers. This led to more questions which I will write up shortly.
It is concerning that we are driving a campaign to vaccinate 90% of Auckland without answers to relevant questions. I am only doing the due diligence I was told to do, but I am not getting the answers.
I am as open as I can be and in no way aggressive to any response. Everyone I talk to agrees and thanks me for providing such a reasoned approach. We laugh at the end and all realise, nobody knows.
I am going to develop a standard for people who are on the fence like me.
I am asking my doctors to assist with the standard:
Email to my Doctors
- Drink mineral water. Perhaps 3 -6 glasses per day. Do not sip it. Drink it down else you may end up with a weak bladder.
- Get your skin under the sun regularly. Whilst in the sun, do not cover up for 5 or so minutes every day (depending on the strength of the sun). This replenishes your vitamin D levels. If you are dark skinned, you need more sun as our amazing skin deflects more of the sun's rays and reduces vitamin D creation.
- Reduce/eliminate processed foods such as all 'fast food' products, fruit drinks (eat the fruit don't drink it).
- Review health star ratings. Not perfect but it is a start.
- Eliminate High Fructose Corn Syrup (and all the variants of it) from your diet. ANY products with it in; find them and eliminate. My protein powder had it in as well as cereals, muesli, drinks, alcohol, break, biscuits, ice cream, sweets ... it is everywhere and is very high on the suspect list for the endemic place we find ourselves.
- Reduce alcohol. One Alcoholic drink for the same size measure of water is a good balance.
- Eat more leafy greens and anything that is salad based
- More vegies than meat.
- Only use coconut oil or olive oil. What vegetable is vegetable oil made of? Answer - It's not made from vegetables. Never trust something that says it is one thing, but is in fact another.
- Red potatoes as opposed to white.
- Do not drink energy drinks as they are not what they say they are. They use a chemical concoction to 'spike' your energy and then use caffeine to keep you awake. Have a coffee instead if you must (if you want energy, learn Keto).
- Reduce or eliminate completely fried food. Use an air fryer or bake and steam.
- Don't burn food. When you overheat oil, it changes into something very unhealthy.
- Find a source of selenium. I eat one Brazil Nut (specifically grown in Brazil) a day, as we don't have selenium in our soil. I never put on sunscreen and don't get burnt easily. I am still careful not to spend too much time in the sun but it has never been a problem since I leant about selenium.
- Simple exercise. A walk is as good as anything else and it's a time to enjoy the outdoors.
- Be kind and don't get stressed. Magnesium is depleted during stress so if stressed, get a magnesium supplement.
- Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Magnesium, Iodine, Selenium, Omega 3 are some of the main vitamins and minerals to research.
- Get a health check. What is your natural immunity like? You may not want the vaccine but if your health is compromised, the vaccine is an important tool.
- Age is only a factor because we degrade in health. You degrade due to nutritional inadequacies. Review your diet.
She has been my family's doctor since the beginning of time and is part of my family's religion and culture. She is a part of my Whakapapa and I am part of hers. We are family and I trust her.
- You get the virus
- Your immune system fights it
- The virus is too strong and the battle goes on and on
- As it does, variants in the virus occur
- During your infection your are infectious
- People around you will pick up the virus
- They will also be dosed with the variants and they may not be able to survive
The virus is a product of people with low natural immunity
There are seven important questions:
I have understood what the vaccine does.
New technology produces an mRNA code that engages with cell ribosomes (Ref: NIH to produce a 'fake' protein spike.
This spike is then recognised by the immune system as rogue and antibodies are produced to block the 'spike' of the virus if the virus should enter your body.
BUT is that actually the case? I need to do more research.
I have the number of the Immunisation Advisory Centre:
TO: The Immunisation Advisory Centre
15/09/2021: 9:44 am
For many years I have looked after my own health by eating healthily, exercising, sleeping, and living as stress-free life as possible. I know many people who have done the same and are in perfect health. When we look at introducing anything into our bodies we truly examine it. Obviously the rushed Covid-19 vaccine has raised some issues and many people are concerned.
As much as there is an initial uptake of the vaccine, eventually there will be a decline in numbers and only the following will encourage them to vaccinate:
- Government mandate
- Discrimination.
- Advice from sound public research
I am forming a public face on SARS-CoV-2 at and am establishing some base factors.
Could you please provide as best an answer as possible to the following questions:
Is the coronavirus spike protein shape/structure a copy of an existing natural biological cell process that also uses the same/similar spike to access the cell? If so, is a natural process also blocked by the vaccine?
Is a person, who develops natural immunity, able to resolve further infections via their natural immunity as rapidly as a person with the vaccine?
With the number of SARS-CoV-2 mutations occurring, due to gain-of-function, what is a realistic estimate of how long before the current vaccine is no longer effective against such variants?
To continue to be protected from the ongoing variants, will you need to continue to receive 'booster shots' or will one day, your natural immune system take over?
A common side effect of the vaccine injection is a passing headache.
What is the exact cause of the headache?
a) First time infection of 'not at risk' patients; how quickly does the vaccine vs natural immunity resolve the infection?
b) On reinfection, which is more effective. Vaccine or Natural Immunity?
It is proposed that vaccinated people can travel to Fiji once all Fijian's are vaccinated.
Q7a) Please confirm or explain the following facts
Fact 1: Vaccinated people can still be re-infected and have long durations of infection
Fact 2: Visitors without infection could pick up an infection and bring it back to their country
Fact 3: Variants can still be created in vaccinated people
Q7b) On their return, are these vaccinated people infectious to other people?
I noticed that IMAC is a member of:
- I may have had Covid-19, so am I immune?
- If I am immune, how long for?
- Will the vaccine improve my natural immunity and if so, by how much and where is the research from?
- Is natural immunity better than vaccine immunity?
Ref: Australian Government Department of Health:
The Immunisation Advisory Centre
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